Categories: Making Stuff

Ciak – A clapperboard bag made with old bike tubes

Hi guys and girls, welcome on my website!

Have you ever thought about a clapperboard bag made with bike tubes?

Well, because I’m Alex and today I want to show you how to build a bag.

It’s  a bag made with recycled inner tubes.

I had a bunch of them and wanted to make a nice gift for a friend.

I decided to paint it as a clapperboard because my friend is studying cinema production.

I hope that you like it and you want to see the full video of the construction… and maybe to build it.

So let’s do it!

P.S. As you probably know I wrote an Instructables about how to build a bag with bike tubes.


– old bike tubes

– zipper and slider

– binding tape

– enamel paint


Cut the Tubes and Sew Them

I think that recycling inner tubes was a cool thing.

So, to make the clapperboard bag I used two five tubes.

In the beginning, you only need a scissor.

The pieces that I’m cutting are around 12″ long.

It doesn’t matter if the pieces are not really flat, I just sewed them and then I cut them after that I finished the sewing process.

My advice after that you cut them is to clean them because they are really dirty inside.

I didn’t post the exact measurements because it is something easily customizable.

Sew the Zipper and Clean the Sides

Once that you have two big pieces you sew the zipper on both sides.

Since it is rubber and it doesn’t fray we don’t need to bind it.

Now you can cut the exact size of the bag at the measurements that you want.

Don’t forget to burn the sides of the zipper otherwise it will fray and we don’t want it.

Put the Zipper Pull at you DIY bag made with bike tubes

Once that you did it you can sew the two pieces together.

Before to go to the next step remember to put the zipper pull on the zipper, otherwise is a real mess.

REALLY, you should not forget about this step.

Be sure that the zipper pull is on the right side of the bag.

You can decide if to open it by the left or by the right side.

Sewing the Sides Together

As you can see the bag now is reversed and we are sewing the sides together.

We put some binding so it looks better.

It’s now time to reverse the bag.

Now we have to paint it!

Painting… So Satisfying

To mask bag you can use any tape I used the aluminum one because the grip is very strong and the paper one wasn’t working.

I used enamel paint but I think that you can use also other kinds of paints.

Now there is the satisfying part, when you have to remove the tape and see your job done (so satisfying!)

If you messed up something, as I did during the process of painting, you can always use some solvent to fix the problem.

After you painted all the bag you have to wait for a lot of days.

Mine after four days wasn’t ready yet!

Now that you finished your bag made with bike tubes… Please SHARE

Thank you for watching this tutorial about how to build a  bag made with bike tubes and please tell me if something wasn’t clear.

If you liked the tutorial please write a comment or check my other tutorials.


Alessandro Oppo

Alessandro è un milanese che vorrebbe scappare da Milano, è appassionato di informatica ma vorrebbe vivere senza telefono, è un artigiano eppure vorrebbe robotizzare tutto, impara una cosa e già vorrebbe studiare dell’altro. Autodidatta da sempre, gli piace sbattere la testa finché tutto non funziona come vuole lui, spesso ci riesce anche! Visita il suo blog personale Il motto che si ripete dentro la testa è: “Se ci sono riusciti gli altri ci posso riuscire anche io”.

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