update portainer cover 1024
Updating your Portainer server it’s pretty easy if you follow this tutorial.
I suppose you didn’t use docker-compose if you don’t know what it is don’t worry, I’ve written both solution in this tutorial.
Before you start go on Portainer web interface Containers>Portainers and check the Volume section.
Be sure that you have the portainer_data to /data, otherwise, you are going to lose all your container configurations.
Open your terminal and write
sudo docker ps
Now you’ll see all the containers that are running.
We need to stop the portainer/portainer container. Your CONTAINER ID is gonna be different from mine, so change it.
You don’t have to write all the id, the first three numbers are enough.
sudo docker stop 498
It should print the same number.
Now we need to remove the container using the rm
sudo docker rm 498
Also here it should print the same number.
Now we need to remove the old image of Portainer. I have seen some tutorials where they don’t do it but they were not working for me.
sudo docker image ls
Now you need to do the same thing but with the IMAGE ID.
sudo docker image rm 2869 --force
Now we can finally run again the Portainer container. Since we deleted the old image it’s going to download the latest one from docker.
We just need to run the same command that we run during the first installation
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -p 8000:8000 --name portainer --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest
Now your Portainer web interface should be again accessible and updated.
If you successfully updated your Portainer container please leave a message here or vote the tutorial, so I can now if it’s still working or not.
If you are using a docker-compose.yml file like this one you it should be easier to manage everything.
version: '2' services: portainer: image: portainer/portainer-ce:latest command: -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock restart: always ports: - 9000:9000 - 8000:8000 volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - portainer_data:/data volumes: portainer_data:
If these commands don’t help you can follow the previous instructions about how to delete the old image and download the new one.
sudo docker-compose down sudo docker-compose up -d
If you can’t update Portainer leave a message and I’ll try to help you.
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last command doesn’t install the CE version of docker
What do you mean? The last command is the one that install Portainer on Docket... maybe I'll update the tutorial with the docker compose version.
just add "-ce" at the end of that command
Specifically, in the last docker run command, change the "portainer/portainer" that specifies the image that will be used to "portainer/portainer-ce:latest".
One should also make sure what is used for the second volume mapping argument, i.e. "portainer_data:/data" in this case, matches what the current portainer volume mapping setup is. You find that information in the portainer container details in your current running Portainer interface. Referring back to what one did "in the first installation" is likely impossible.
Thanks, I've updated the tutorial!
Thanks , as this worked so well,first time of trying!
Could I be as bold to ask if you could advise on the best way to update nextcloud which is running on raspberry pi in docker
Hello, glad that it worked and thank you for the feedback.
About NextCloud it should be possible to update it from the web interface, otherwise you could use Watchover.
Thanks for reply,I did try to update nextcloud using updater in web interface nothing happened!
I will try using watchover, should I run docker command or docker compose?
Apologise for my ignorance,I am learning bit by bit!
Thanks again
Don't worry, docker at the beginning is a bit hard.
For watchover just use the docker run command that it's provided on their github. It's just a container that pulls new images.
Sorry for my late reply. You can installa watchover with the docket run command they have on their docker hub page. Don't worry, docker at the beginning it's a bit hard.
Thank you for making this easy Alessandro! Great tutorial. I’m learning Docker as well. It seems like it has an interesting learning curve 🙂
I'm glad that it worked and thank you for the feedback! Yeah, docker is a bit hard at the beginning, but you'll learn a lot.
Worked exactly as expected. Thanks very much.
Since my parameters for portainer are slightly different than usual, a script called start-portainer.sh always has the docker run command. That way I never forget how to restart it after the upgrade. For which I use this post :-)
Worked great for me updating to 2.11.1 not using the docker-compose option. Thanks !!
Glad to know, thanks for the feedback!